The Best Advice For People In Their 20s
Right after graduating from college, Landon Campbell and Michael Holmes created an online talk-show called In Their 20s to stay busy during the 2020 pandemic and to also inspire their peers. On their talk show, they interview influential people to share their personal best advice for people in their 20s.
The 20s are the most important time in your life to “figure it out.” We all have so many questions about what we should be doing at this point in our lives
In Their 20s provides viewers with a network of influential people, who already went through the struggles of their 20s.
So far, they’ve had over 20 interviews with Business Leaders, Doctors, NBA Legends, Designers, and even 2020 Presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke
Each of their interviews are vastly different. When it comes to their selection process, they work towards sharing unique stories and diverse backgrounds so that their audience can connect with the stories they share.
In Their 20s shares the best advice from the best people!
Here are some memorable moments from their favorite interviews:
1. Ask more “why” questions than “how” questions
While interviewing Dennis Bautista, the VP of Data Analytics at HUB International, Dennis shared how young professionals need to ask more “why” questions instead of “how” questions. He explains how young people must become more comfortable with challenging the status quo during their daily lives.
Doing this can help accelerate your ability to learn, while also helping you stand out. Being naturally curious is one of the best assets a young professional can have.
Interview with Dennis Bautista
2. Be forward thinking
During their interview with Kati Quigley, the Senior Director of Global Industry Marketing at Microsoft, Kati spoke about the importance of being a forward thinking individual.
“Work hard and do whatever it takes to get the experience you need; network with your peers — as you grow in your career, they will be the ones that you continue to rely on and connect with through the years; find something you love and find energy doing; and build your career on your strengths because you are in it for long term, not short term,” Kati said.
You should always be actively planning for your future, while taking care of your day-to-day responsibilities. This will help you become a forward thinker.
3. Find the things you love in your 20s
Landon and Michal had an opportunity to interview Kevin Coval, who is the Artistic Director of Young Chicago Authors and also the mentor of Chance the Rapper. He shared with the duo that your 20s are the best years to find the things you want to do.
“[The 20s] are about exploring, picking something up, investing in it, and becoming a nerd about it. Trying new things gives you an opportunity to also find the things you don’t love doing. This will save you time in the future.”
Use your 20s to explore multiple passions in order to find ones that you truly love doing.
4. Your network is your net worth
During their interview with Dawn Dickson, the Founder of POPCOM, Dawn shared a memorable quote with us that stands out to this day:
“You Network is Your Net Worth”
What this means is that you need to surround yourself with people who will help you grow and motivate you to do well. Some people hate it, some people love it, but at least we can all agree: Networking is one of the most important business skills that one can posses.
With this being said, you must put time aside to invest in your relationships with others.
5. Don’t slack off during internships
During their interview with Steve Stoute, the current Chief of Staff of DePaul University in Chicago, Steve spoke with Landon and Michael about the importance of accountability and hard work while at your internship.
“There’s no room to slack off [during an internship]. Work to the best of your ability to perform well. Give it everything you have. Everyday. You never know what other opportunities may come out of your internship,” Steve says.
While at your internship, you only get a few chances to showcase your skills and prove to the company that you’re willing to work hard and absorb knowledge. Work hard and represent yourself everyday.
Everybody in their 20s deserves access to the best advice on the planet.
In a time of uncertainty, In Their 20s is Landon and Michael’s best attempt of sharing important content that can help our peers navigate their 20s. The Co-Hosts believe that in order to be successful, you need to see success.
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